cynthia orr artworks

All works of art within this web site are ©. No portion of the artists works or statements may be used, downloaded, reproduced using any means, copied, linked to, or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artists.
cynthia orr
I create beautiful paintings to transform a room with light, colour and passion, drawing out a desired exchange from a chaotic day and inviting a sense of calm and reflection. I feel a calling in my spirit to provide life giving artworks with a message of hope, beyond what the human mind can invoke. 

I believe it is imperative to constantly challenge myself, my skill and my imagination to develop works of uniqueness. I aim to master diverse and contemporary art that transports you to a place where you feel a deep connection in your spirit. Using the emotion of colour I hope to convey that which surrounds us into a story that excites and ushers in a desire for beauty and renewal.

The everchanging landscape of my creations has enabled me to acquire a following in my solo and group exhibitions, resulting in works that adorn the walls of countless homes and companies across the globe.   
–Cynthia Orr, the Artist.
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